Sunday, June 15, 2008

Perfect Day in Scotland

While EO is at work, we are relaxing at his flat. He's letting me use his laptop to check e-mail and write on my blog. He'll be back in another hour or two, and we'll take it easy tonight. We've been living the night life here, that's for sure! The first night we ate at a cafe where a friend of his works, and took our time getting home. Night before last, we closed down the pub where the EO works as a barman (bartender) on Fridays. The live music was fantastic. Last night we almost did the same, but decided to come home sooner. Nevertheless, every night we've been getting to sleep around 2 a.m. Partly due to the interesting fact that, this far up north, the sun doesn't set until after 10 .m. (and even then, the sky glows), and it rises before 4 a.m.! It's really wonderful. Your body thinks it wants to stay up all night...then you crash.

Thus, it is another beautiful day in Scotland. We left nearly 100 degree weather in DC to come to St Andrews where the temperature is between 50 and 60 degrees. This is as gorgeous a place as I remember it, with dark blue skies over the ocean even when the sun is shining. Which is why I am not going to stay to write very much. I'm working on a little watercolor painting of the North viewed from St Andrews castle and I want to get back to it. I've been letting it dry before I do more.

I wish I could have had this education abroad experience when I was a student. Must go! Must paint!


A Girl From Texas said...

Ah so you are living the college life, eh.... :)

I remember when I was in Sweden the summer I did my exchange program that the weather was like that. And too, we partied almost every night for the same reason.

I don't remember what day you said you returned. 22nd? 24th?

A Girl From Texas said...

It's time for new material.... :)