Monday, March 16, 2009

Working and Playing

I have been really working hard at the office lately. It's very stressful, and yet satisfying. That seems strange to me, a sort of dichotomy. I have a settlement/technical conference tomorrow, so I decided to get in VERY early this morning so I could go through documents and filings to be really prepared, and I think I am. We'll see how it goes tomorrow. I'd really like to achieve a settlement in this case. It's been a difficult one, with aggressive personalities and clashing ideas. Still, it really should settle.

But, in addition to working full days (and some evenings and weekends as well), I have managed to fit in a lot of reading, stitching, piano playing and socializing. I can't believe how many books I have read since I got my pony (Kindle). On the Kindle, I read all three "Dexter" books (about the serial killer who only kills serial killers). I liked the first book, felt lukewarm about the second, and really didn't care for the third. On the other hand, I absolutely love the television series (on Showtime). I also finished three more Alexander Kent (Bolitho) novels, and a book called "Beat the Reaper" by Josh Bazell. That last book was all right. I think it had a lot more potential than it actually realized (this one was a book about a mob hitman who became a doctor to try to hide from his past, unsuccessfully, I might add). I will admit that it was very humorous, with a clever turn of phrase. After all that blood and gore, I decided I needed something a lot more gentle. So I read Anne of Green Gables, and I am currently reading Anne of Avonlea. All that on the Kindle. But of course, the Kindle has not taken me away from the beloved paper books. I read a couple of Alexander Kent novels and Life With Father (Clarence Day), which I've read a couple of times and absolutely love. It's worth reading many times over. I am currently reading a very good book by A.H. Cronin, called The Green Years, recommended by my best friend Tracy. The interesting thing is that I now find myself reading two books at the same on the Kindle and one in paper. It is wonderful to escape into another world.

I've also been stitching some nice needlepoint pieces. I will photograph some and post them soon. I usually stitch in the evening, while watching television...Chuck or CSI or some such. Which is interesting. Although I'm focusing on the stitching, I nevertheless enjoy the show. If a few weeks later a show is repeated, I usually find myself thinking, oh, I haven't seen this one yet...that's because I probably haven't seen it...I listened to it while stitching. So it's a new experience for me to actually watch it.

Then, last week, I sat down at the piano and started playing again. I was inspired by Blue Keys to start playing. I have not played in years and, wow, my poor fingers know it! Once upon a time, I was very good. But now, I find myself stumbling around over the keyboard, hitting the wrong keys, timing off, fingering off. And forget theory! Still, I am enjoying my little bit of time at the piano. Right now, I am re-learning Handel's's so dramatic for a baroque piece. I need to get the piano tuned soon.

All this and my project room, too. My back is really sore from moving boxes and reorganizing...

So, my life is very rich right now. But please excuse me while I return to The Green Years for a half an hour before going to bed.

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