Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Another Tomato Caper

Every day when I get home from work, I am always afraid to find out what might be waiting for me. For the first two months, Kira had an accident on the tile floor every other day (and believe me, it's not fun to clean up after a dog, especially one the size of Kira). We knew she didn't have parasites (the vet already confirmed that), so we thought maybe she had colitus or irritable bowel or something like that. We tried every type of canned dog food known to man, and every type of dry food, or combination thereof. When we got back from Scotland, Kira decided on her own that she wanted only dry food, and only once a day, in the evening. She would not eat in the morning. And we started doing something that a friend recommended: we put one tablespoon of unsweetened coconut on top of her food every night. It binds with the yukky stuff inside the gut and takes it out with the rest of the ... stuff. She LOVES that coconut! She wants me to put it in the palm of my hand so she can lick it up. When I open the fridge, she hurries over to stick her nose in and touch the bag of coconut. Sure enough, it looked like we had cleared up the problems with her innards. Then after the three wonderful uneventful weeks, she did that gross thing that Ziggy used to do...she found the "kitty treats" in the litter box. Ewe! Next day, boy did we have a clean-up job! But now we have gone for two weeks without incident. We put the kitty litter box in the basement, and Kira can't get through the kitty door to go down there. It frustrates her to no end that the cats can go through that little door and she can't. The cats, of course, realize this, and torment her with the cruelty that only cats can show.

Tonight I came home, and as I always do, peered into the kitchen with trepidation. Imagine how delighted I was to see that there was no Kira accident on the kitchen floor. Yippee! But wait! What on earth was that bowl doing upside down in a corner. And what was that lump under the bowl? No, no, nothing like that. Please! But, if you recall my Tomato Tale from May, you won't be surprised to hear that under the bowl was the tomato I had left on the counter the night before. A tomato on the floor! Was Wolfie up to his old tricks again? Or had Kira decided to look for treats on the counter and knocked the bowl over in the process? I picked everything up and put it in the sink to be washed, then left the room. No sooner had I stepped into the living room than I heard a noise in the kitchen. I ran back in to find Wolfie, on the counter, holding the tomato by the stem in his teeth. Up to his old tricks again.

So I ask you, what is more interesting, a coconut-eating dog or a tomato-eating cat?


A Girl From Texas said...

Does Wolfie actually EAT the tomato or just like to hold it in his mouth by the stem.

You have wierd animals. :)

SunWolf said...

Yes, he likes to EAT tomatoes, pizza, and avocado...

A Girl From Texas said...

Seamus likes peanuts, I recently discovered.

Timmy said...

Calvin likes tortilla chips and Cheez Whiz. And yes, he was eating LONG before he digestive problems a few weeks ago. :-)

Margo said...

Too funny!! Bailey eats strawberry tops and every other people food she can get ahold of. She used to be a big popcorn fan until I made my husband promise not to give it to her. She and Sully are big fans of fortune cookies.