Thursday, November 20, 2008

All I Want For Christmas

There is only one thing I want for Christmas and it’s very expensive. No, not world peace…I’ve wished for that every year and never gotten it, so I have no expectations of world peace for Christmas. No, it’s not diamonds. Or a big fancy house. Or a different job. I like my life. BUT…I want one thing for Christmas. And, as I mentioned, it’s expensive.

It’s a Kindle…you know, the electronic book reader by It is $350! And I want it. I love the idea of being able to carry many books at once. I will still want my classic hard books (like all my Jane Austen books, and my poetry, and all the special first editions, etc.). I will certainly still want to hold an actual book in my hands (although the Kindle FEELS like a real book). But this would be for all those paperback books I read and then have to donate to Good Will or find a friend who would like to read them or leave them in the office kitchen for anyone who wants them, all because I don’t have room on my bookshelf. I save my bookshelf space for books I love. A Kindle will hold 150 books! And as it gets full, you can put the books on a ScanDisk or on your computer and then turn around and put more books on the Kindle. I can get every Anthony Trollope book, short story, poem ever published in one download for under $5! How great is that! Same for Mark Twain. I’d still have my hard copies, but I could carry them with me on the Kindle when I travel. I already have a list of books I want to get for it. I really, really want a Kindle. I don’t want anything else. Well, I want world peace, but you know how that goes. Just a little ol’ Kindle.

I told my husband that, if I didn’t get a Kindle for Christmas, it would be the saddest, most disappointing Christmas since I didn’t get that pony.

Do you think I was a little … um … unsubtle?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Y'know, you're probably going to get 3 or 4 of them now because obviously I'll be communicating with the other one; not to mention other, more insidious individuals interested in invoking intellectual insurrection 'gainst us. Or maybe not.
