Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Kindle Time

I have not done much writing lately. Earlier in the year, I was so busy with a pesky case that I hardly wanted to look at a computer, much less write anything. But we settled that case, and less than a week after the settlement was filed, my favorite husband and I went to Scotland for the elusive offspring's graduation from St Andrews. We leased a flat on North Street for a week and what a good idea that was! We were able to entertain EO's friends and their parents, as well as lecturers. We were able to prepare our own meals, clean our clothing, spread out and stage EO's move from one flat to another (he is continuing next year, getting his Masters Degree). I didn't have access to a computer for writing, although I actually had time to write. Instead, I spent my down time reading books on my wonderful Kindle. I find that I have been reading so much more since I got the Kindle. It's so easy to carry from place to place, and when you finish one book, you can immediately start another one, without going to the bookstore. I am still reading physical paper books as well. But I have become very attached to the Kindle. In the last three months, I have read all but one of the Sookie Stackhouse novels as well as a few other books (to remain nameless for now). I should be starting that last one tonight. Next on my list is Anthony Trollope's "Claverings" and then Dennis Lehane's "The Given Day."

So ... we are back from Scotland (photos to follow...eventually), EO is home for a while longer, and I have time to get back to writing again. The house is looking quite nice, now that the wonderful Sara comes to clean it every two weeks, and we keep it so much neater now. I have about 12-15 boxes to go through...mostly paper. They are all stacked in the hallway for now because we are using the "project room" as a guest room (a friend of EO's from the UK is visiting right now). The project room actually looks very nice, too, with everything tucked away in pretty cabinets, behind doors. It seems like I have a couple of bags to take to Good Will every week or so. Who knew you could collect SO much stuff!

Yes, there is time to write now. And yet, it's not easy! I have so many things to write about, but I just can't seem to get going with it.

For now, I'll start my return with this rambling entry. Little by little, I'll get focused and back on track.

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