Thursday, March 20, 2008


What IS the "pompitus of love"? I mean, that's why he's called "Maurice"...because he speaks of the pompitus of love. Sure, he's a smoker, and a joker, and a midnight toker. But what is a pompitus? Wait. Let me find my dictionary. Hold on...

Well, it's not in the Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary. Wait. Let me look ... Nope, it's not in, either.

Please. Someone tell me! What IS the "pomitus of love"? After all these years, I simply NEED to know.


Unknown said...

"Pompatus" is purely a nonsensical word; Steve Miller claims that he invented it, though.

SunWolf said...

Well, that is certainly good to know! It has bothered me a long time, the fact that I did not know...

Thanks for the enlightenment!

A Girl From Texas said...

It sounds like someone with a weak vocubulary trying to say a word they believe to have a meaning to someone smarter than themselves....if that makes any sense.

wish we could ask maurice that question.....

SunWolf said...

And if any one would know, it would be Maurice.

Catbox said...

"Pompitus" is probably meant to be "promises" of theory is that's how it looked on paper...then Steve garbled the verse after too many bonghits; but they nailed the take (especially the wah wah slide solo) and decided to leave it in 'cause it sounded so damn cool...He says he "invented" the word...more than likely he accidentally stumbled over it and it has been a badge of his identity ever since...