Sunday, March 8, 2009

My Interview with RunningMyMassOff

About a month ago, RunningMyMassOff sent me some questions to "interview me" and finally I am posting my answers. Being interviewed like this is very interesting. If you'd like me to interview you, just ask, and I'll think up some questions for you. Then you can post the questions and answers on your the meantime, here are RMMO's questions and my answers.

1. What has been the biggest challenge/obstacle in your life and what did you do to overcome it?
The biggest challenge…probably deciding what I want to be when I grow up… this is an ongoing problem. I really love what I do. I am probably exactly where I should be…a government litigator. I worked for two different large law firms and ultimately left. I did not like their politics of doing business. The interesting billing schemes (and yes, I mean schemes). The egos. The sleaze factor. The social deviates (my favorite husband’s term). Although I took a giant pay cut to return to the government, I knew I really was going where I belonged…as a public interest lawyer. I like winning cases, but I really feel successful when my cases settle, without the need for costly litigation. After all is said and done, though, I think I would love to retire early (or to be more realistic I should say retire late, now that the economy has tanked so badly, and my investments with it) and spend my time in creative endeavors, especially painting little watercolors (I like miniatures). And designing needlework. And art jewelry. Creative stuff.

2. What has been the favorite performance you've seen (opera, symphony, musical, play, etc.) and why did it make such an impact on you?
I would have to say that my favorite performance (and this is going to sound corny) would be any performance by my son, whether singing or acting, and although he was really good in so many plays, my all time favorite is the time he played/sang the part of the Major General in his high school’s production of Gilbert & Sullivan’s “Pirates of Penzance.” I know I’m his mom and I’m biased, but he really was probably the handsomest Major General in the history of the musical…I mean, the Major General is supposed to be an old grey-bearded guy, but not this time. The elusive one was quite striking with his curly ginger hair and deep sideburns, and what a lovely voice. I absolutely love to hear him sing. Of course, I enjoy other performances, too…plays, operas, musicals, movies…I like entertainment. And I like to be entertained. Today, I went with my friend Janet to see a simulcast of the Met's production of "Madama Butterfly" and it was absolutely beautiful. I love Puccini. I think I have probably said that before...

3. If you were to select a novel/series in which you could be a character (either an existing character or a new one), what novel/series would it be and why?
It would definitely have to be a Jane Austen book, and probably Emma or Elizabeth Bennett. Emma had a lively mind, and was terribly bored, I think, and therefore spent her time trying to play matchmaker. Because she succeeded at it one time, she was sure she could match anyone anywhere, and almost messed up her own future. Elizabeth Bennett was a great character because she was so feisty, and at the same time very self-possessed. Of course, I would want to be a character with lots of money, because if I had to live back then, I really wouldn't want to spend my time on the day-to-day necessities of life. On the other hand, I would not want to live then. Without the internet? Without cellphones (or any phones for that matter). Without cars and airplanes? Or even bicycles at that point! Without CDs or iPods??? Or radios or television (see, I really do like to be entertained). No electricity. No air conditioning! Yikes, I think I will stay right here and now…

4. What do you miss most about living in Texas?
I miss my family very much. The warm weather. The slower, more relaxed atmosphere (living in the DC area can be rough), but I have to admit that to me it feels even more relaxed in LA! The ability to get out and do stuff. Horses and western riding. Houston. The proud Texas history. Yet, even as I say that, I believe that I am no longer a Texan. I have been away so long that I don’t think I would be comfortable living in Texas any more. I love living here now. I have Potomac fever and it’s never gone away.

5. If you could choose any dream vacation (money not an issue), where would you go, who would you take with you, and what would you do?
This is a difficult one. If money were no object, my dream vacation would be to take several months and visit lots of countries, starting with Scotland, England and Ireland, then France and Germany and Spain and Italy. I would love to take a cruise of the fiords in Norway. I'd bring my little paint set with me everywhere, and my wonderful digital camera. There were no digital cameras in Jane Austen's time.

So, those are my answers to the interview. Remember, if you want to be interviewed, let me know, and I'll come up with some questions. It may take me a little while, but be patient.


Margo said...

Great answers! Would love to see some of your watercolors.

SunWolf said...

Thank you! Someday, I may photograph and post a few. I have my favorites...Scotland is an especially fine topic, with its 360 degree postcard vistas. I hope to do a few little paintings when I go to my son's graduation in June.