Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Operation: Project Room/Guest Room

I know it's been a long time since I have written. The week after Valentine's Day, I got very sick with some sort of sinus infection/flu/cold thingy and completely LOST four and a half entire days. I mean LOST those days entirely, and the infection/whatever actually lasted about a week, making it hard to accomplish anything. Then I got very involved in trying to reclaim the "project room/guest room" from the disaster it had become. For some time now I have called it the "explosion room." It's the place I would throw stuff to get it out of the way when people came over for a visit, or when the cleaning lady came (I always told her to ignore that room), or any other number of things would cause me to make a mess of that room. And when my sister (Girl from Texas) came for Christmas, I stuck her in that room...how awful of me! She, nice person that she is, never complained. But now things will be different! She will have a very nice accommodation.

Last Thursday, my favorite husband took me to Ikea, where we found two wonderful white bookshelves, with glass doors, both six feet tall and so roomy. All of my projects have been organized neatly in those bookshelves. We are talking about a lot of different kinds of project, from memory books to painting to beading to knitting to needlepointing and sewing, and any number of fun creative activities to entertain an active mind. I still have about a dozen boxes of papers and stuff to go through, and that will happen slowly over time, but I filled three boxes and two bags with stuff for Good Will, shredded some paperwork (but not enough), organized projects that can be finished quickly, and cleaned my desk, which makes me want to spend more time in this room!

Today, Sara, my cleaning lady, came. I love my cleaning lady. I told her today that I love to see her because she always makes me feel so good about my space. I think she should get a cleaning lady for HER house. Then she will know just how happy she makes people. She is one of the sweetest people I have ever met. I'm waxing poetic...you'd think I'd overdosed on caffeine the way I am going on right now, but it is simply that I am in a good mood because the house is really coming together. For the first time in at least eight years (since we started renovating this old house of ours).

The next post will be my answers to an interview I got from "Running My Mass Off" a few weeks ago. I started answering the questions, but have not finished yet. Stay tuned. This interviewing thing is fun.

Gotta go. Must start going through some more boxes...and finishing some of these pending projects.


Margo said...

You should post pics!

SunWolf said...

So far it's an ongoing project. I still have boxes of papers in one corner, but I hope to get through those in the next few months. Being a lawyer, I have a terrible time letting go of papers. The other night, I spent two hours going through some papers and shredded a bunch, and when I was finished, I had gotten rid of about an inch and a half worth of paper. Arghhh! Thankless job.