Sunday, April 27, 2008

Back in Town

I just got back from a four-day "Stitching" retreat, where I had a blast: stitching (needlepoint), walking in the country, shopping, drinking scotch, and generally having a relaxing fun time. I completed one very intricate project and and made good progress on another. While I was gone, Kira made even more progress. You may be surprised to hear that she is currently sleeping on the floor next to me as I write this...upstairs. As in upstairs where only the cats are allowed. As in upstairs, where I never wanted to have a dog ... taboo for dog fur and dog dribble (but not cats). Yep, she's upstairs with me. She ... earned the priviledge. She is wonderfully devoted to ME. Not the truck god. Me. I love it. And it feels really nice having her up here with me. I earned it too.

Another great bit of progress is that H left her out of her crate during the night and while he went on little errands this weekend. He actually just left the crate open and allowed her to make the decision as to whether she wanted to be in it or not. She stayed out of it and slept with the cats. Is that funny? He did, however, keep her in the tiled family room/kitchen area and she was comfortable enough that she did not howl or jump on the doors. That REALLY feels great. We will leave her out of the crate tonight, too, but not while we are at work this week. We'll get there, though, I'm sure.

She communicates in ways Ziggy never did. Sometimes she just comes up to you and looks you squarely in the face and it's like she telepathically (is that even a word?) lets you know what she wants. I THINK it's the same look every time, but maybe there are subtle differences. Sometimes she wants out to do her business. Sometimes she wants you to uncover her dish so she can finish her meal ... she is a very slow eater and we have to cover her dish so that cats don't become blimps. They REALLY like her food. Sometimes she wants to go for a walk. But she is not demanding about it.

I have had (and loved) many cats, but I have never had a dog until Ziggy. I loved Ziggy very much and I miss him, but this feeling I have for Kira is different. Kira has reached me in a way Ziggy did not. It's the same way that Daily and I connected. There is a sort of bond between us that I never thought I'd have with a dog. Me and a dog? And a dog that gets along so well with my beloved cats? It's a wonderful thing!


Margo said...

I'm going thru a similar but reversed situation - we found a stray kitten and it looks like he may become part of the family. I've never had a cat and know nothing about cats! Have had many dogs, so this is a new experience. We're enjoying it though and trying to decide what we're going to do i.e. keep the kitten or find him a good home. Our dog isn't totally thrilled with the kitten, but she doesn't hate him either.

SunWolf said...

I hope you keep the kitten! I absolutely love my cats. And now my dog. I think you will enjoy having a's different from a dog. The dog will learn to get along fine with the cat if you expect it. At least that's the way it has worked with us. What kind of dog do you have?