Monday, October 13, 2008


I know that I said I would not think about politics while I am here in beautiful California having a wonderful vacation, but I cannot get away from news of what is going on. I am flabbergasted by the Palin/McCain campaign. If I were still a Republican, I'd be ashamed to my core. Heck, I'm NOT a Republican and I'm ashamed for them. What are they thinking??? I recognize that not ALL Republicans agree with the hatemongering that is going on right now, but why don't they speak up about it? What does it mean that McCain's poll numbers have gone up (on the page), if just a minuscule amount? I understand that the experts say that negative campaigning works (what does that say about people?), but I don't understand how this kind of despicable behavior can bring positive results for a campaign.

What happened to the McCain of 2000? Were we wrong to think he was a decent man then? Does he ever sit back and wonder how it all got so out of hand? Or does he really even care? He has no control over his followers...maybe he doesn't want to have control. Maybe he secretly likes the reaction of the crowds. Does he go back into quiet rooms and say "Wow, that was great!" or does he say "This is terrible"? Somehow, watching his complete lack of control, I don't think it is the latter. I think he believes that the continued hate rallies will give him what he wants.

Actually, my greatest fear is a terrorist attack before the elections. And it wouldn't be a foreign attack. It would be a domestic attack (probably by one of these crazy followers)...but we wouldn't know that until after Palin/McCain got elected and then it would be too late for us.

It is unbelievable that I could be so terrified now. What happened?

My next post will be more positive. Despite the above, I really am having a good time here.

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