Thursday, October 2, 2008

The Debate

So. I watched the debate. And to answer my question from my last post, no, she didn't wear her hair down during the debate...the only earpieces we could see were the ones over her ears...meaning her eyeglasses. So I think my concern about another Rovian tactic has been calmed. I think the McCain camp did a good job preparing her. I think she did do a good job redeeming herself after those terrible one-on-one interviews, but it really sounded very rehearsed to me. She didn't really answer the questions, and there was not much real substance to what she said, but I am certain that she appealed to her base. She has reaffirmed their faith in her.

On the other hand, I think Joe Biden did a great job answering the questions that were put to him and correcting the record on what she said. I wonder what impact this debate will have on the undecideds...

1 comment:

Margo said...

First thing I looked at was her hairstyle! ;-) She did reaffirm my faith in her and I thought Biden did a great job too. I don't think the format of the debate allows either candidate to fully answer the questions, especially when they take time to rebut whatever their opponent said.

Don't know how the undecideds will decide it, but I think Obama is going to win. IMHO, McCain lost it the minute he voted for the bailout. We'll see... I'm either going to D.C. in January or going to Little Rock, Arkansas instead in March for a half marathon.