Saturday, March 29, 2008

More bonding

I took the truck today. Kira and I went to Lea's house, where we all went walking around the neighborhood to get the two dogs used to each other. It seems to me that German Shepherds do very well with other German Shepherds. So Kira and Cherokee did great from the start. Of course, I think Kira gets along with anyone who is willing to get along with her. She's very easy going. Especially compared to Ziggy, who wanted to be top dog everywhere, even among other GSDs.

So after our walk, and a cup of coffee at Lea's house, we all got into the truck and went to Old Town to walk around. The girls did great in the back seat of the truck. We walked from one end of Alexandria to the other, and back again, stopping at the doggy store. Kira was not the lest interested in treats, but Cherokee got a nice share. We met other dogs and people and heard many loud sounds, from one large dog lunging at the fence of a garden we walked past (and all FOUR of us jumped in surprise) to a loud and continuous horn from the Cherry Blossom paddle boat as it left the wharf (only Lea jumped with that one). We had a great two hours of walking.

I dropped Lea and Cherokee off at their house and came home with the truck, when a couple of friends stopped by to see Kira. I want her to get used to people coming to the door. Of course, she barked quite a bit, and didn't really stop when I said it was ok. Eventually she stopped, of course. And it was a lot sooner than Ziggy would have stopped, so that is good. They while they visited and we shared photos and tea, Kira rested quietly on her bed in the same room with us, quite content.

But the day was not finished. At 5:30, we went to see Nancy and Steve and their new dog. Like Ziggy's loss did to us, they really could not stand the "beagle shaped hole" (to use EO's phrase) in their hearts, and they filled it with a lovely little dog today. Um, a lovely as yet unnamed dog. Maybe Mina, maybe Dolly. We don't know yet. They'll come up with something.

Kira was a little hyper for a while, until we cleverly thought to bring in her bed from the truck, and she got comfy on it and stayed there until we were ready to leave. I really think it hurts her boney body to lay on the hardwood floors. Also, at Karen's, she was used to staying on the furniture. We'll have to remember the portable bed trick in the future.

So, it has been a week since we brought her home. I see a great future ahead for us.

1 comment:

A Girl From Texas said...

Ah yes, it sounds like things are coming along quite nicely!